Business Brokerage

Sometimes, using a business broker makes sense


Anyone can sell their own business, but it certainly does take time and effort to do it right.


If you find yourself wanting to sell and move on, but want someone to do it for you, that option is always available.


I have personally completed dozens of business transactions, and my friends across the industry have collectively completed thousands.  I will either sell your business myself, or introduce you to a business broker I trust.

What does brokerage entail?

A good broker will get paid on the outcome you care about most: selling your business at the best market value.

I use the same process I've described in the resources I provide: I value, market, list, and bring serious buyers to your business that are ready to become new owners.

I have a genuine passion for helping business owners achieve their goals, and selling their business is often on the short list of goals.

Schedule a free consultation to talk about the sale process.

What My Clients Say

Sebastian's passion for small businesses showed in the interest he took in my business.  He asked the right questions and created a compelling marketing package that I couldn't have done on my own.

Brennan D.
Machining business in GA

I had considered selling my business for years, but it took a while to be mentally ready.  Sebastian never pressured me, and always supported me on my timeline.  He even advised along the way to ensure that I would be ready for a sucessful sale.

Chris B.
Carpet cleaning business in CO